
Reference Manuals

Bed topography file editor (File size: 249 KB/32 pages; last updated: September 22, 2002)

Ice topography file editor  (File size: 269 KB/32 pages; last updated: September 22, 2002)

Mesh generation for River2D (File size: 209 KB/32 pages; last updated: September 22, 2002)

River2D user manual (File size: 1.0 MB/120 pages; last updated: September 22, 2002)


These tutorials provide step by step guidance on various aspects of the River2D suite of programs. Each tutorial is provided in Zip format which contain the tutorial document and the relevant files.

This tutorial covers the basic steps involved in using the River2D program. You will learn how to obtain a hydrodynamic solution, perform minor modifications to the computational mesh, and learn about the various ways to view and present model results.

In this tutorial, you will learn about extracting boundaries from existing mesh in River2D for the purpose of submesh development. This boundary will be used to develop a submesh in R2D_Mesh. Once the submesh discretized you will learn how to merge this submesh with the parent mesh.

This tutorial will walk you through the steps involved in performing Fish Habitat Analyses. In particular, it covers how to obtain the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) for your site.

This tutorial will provide you will all of the necessary steps for modelling flow under ice covers of known geometry using the River2D suite of program. Specifically, you will learn how to use R2D_Ice (the ice topography editor) and incorporate ice features, (such as the edge of the ice in partially ice covered domains) during the mesh generation process.

In this tutorial, the steps involved in running the River2D program in transient mode are covered. You will learn about setting transient boundary conditions and model parameters. The possible transient output formats are also covered.